Arcane Realm

The Arcane Realm is magic, it’s aliens, it’s other another dimension, its advanced technology, its… sorry got a bit ahead of self.

Arcane Realm Logo 1

The Arcane Realm is my own attempt at a world building/constructed world effort as a science fantasy setting taking inspiration from role-playing games, animation, folklore and fairy tales about the adventures & daily lives of extra-dimensional magical extraterrestrials.

It also has a lot of elements of the hodgepodge I mentioned above, I believe the term eclectic is how I like to describe it. Mainly what I been doing with it so far is making up background info for the world and making a place to collect all the notes I’ve written/typed up. Recently I’ve also made a few short stories taking place in this world and hope to make more.

Inspirations & Goals

  • Include a history separate from that of real world Earth, including a different progression in technology
  • Use extraterrestrial inhabitants based on various mythological creatures for familiarity (like the RPG concept of core & minor fantasy races), but also tweak them with personal ideas and include my own created anthropomorphic species for creativity.
  • Include cultural elements less (but still some) from a medieval western European setting, and more on that of the Middle East, Indian Sub-Continent, Central Eurasia, Far East, African countries, Americas, and Oceanic traditions and folklore.
  • Avoid the typical shortcomings and trip falls that keep people from liking fantasy genre (though I’m sure nearly every fantasy world-builder has this in mind).

Currently the world has strong ties to the culture of Arabic and Persian mythology, as well as that of Japanese and Chinese in addition to to that of Western Europe. This is because I wanted the fantasy aspect and elements of the world to be built with folklore other than typical medieval Europe mind. Soon I hope to incorporate more world folklore in future stories like Hindu, Inuit, Caribbean, or that of the Pacific Islands.

As for goals with this series, for now what I want to do is write up various stories similar to an anthology, some focusing on characters I’ve taken a liking to, but most one-shot stories exploring the world and the people that thrive there. I have been drawing pictures of characters and settings so maybe I might expand or collaborate with someone to make these stories into more visual mediums like sequential art. In fact part of the reason why I want to post supplemental material here is so that I can leave behind enough stuff so that others could write stories in the same universe but that is a possibility that I’m still working out the details on.

I mean would love for writers and future fans more familiar with other sub-genres of fantasy and science fiction to make their own Arcane Realm stories but currently I don’t really have a plan on how to manage all that just yet.

So for now here are links to said supplemental lore of the Arcane Ream

Arcane Origins of the Realm

Character Profiles-The major and recurring characters in the various Arcane Realm stories


Civilizations and Cultures-Current or fallen civilizations, groups and various ways of living across the Arcane Realm.

Fauna-The Arcane Realm Animals

Flora-The Arcane Realm’s plant-life

— Magic System & Forces- Description and categorization of magic, physical, and metaphysical forces in the Arcane Realm.

Crash Course in Magic #1
Crash Course in Magic #2
Crash Course in Magic #3
Crash Course in Magic #4
Crash Course in Magic #5
Crash Course in Magic #6
Spectrals, Spooks, and Spirit Creatures

Sentient Species- The different species, sub-species, races and ethnic groups of sentient beings in the Arcane Realm.

Races of the Old World
Creature Types
Creature Subtypes
Homins: Part 1
Homins: Part 2
Merfolk: Part 1
Merfolk: Part 2

Technological Progression-Description, categorization and the progression of discovery for technology found in the Arcane Realm.

Timeline and History-Description of the timeline and historical events taking place in the Arcane Realm

Settlement Era

Establishment Era

Imperial Era

Lunar Terraformation Collaboration

Story Archives- Stories set in Arcane Realm

The Jinn from Another World

Spiritual Safari (Chapter 1)

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